I could start by blaming those responsible for present day politics, government, jurisprudence and moral decay. Why? No one, let me repeat that, no one would claim responsibility. We are so good at excusing ourselves from blame. We are even better at blaming others.
So, let me ask, “Who elected the people representing us?” Both parties are responsible for our growing divide. Both parties are responsible for those in the Supreme Court. Justices that are blatantly showing their political preferences over law. Both parties have senators and representatives that stretch the borders of extreme.
Our forefathers thought that the judicial, legislative and executive branches of our government would be sufficient enough for checks and balances. They never foresaw the possibility of all three branches being infected by greed, individual power, divisiveness and a total lack of patriotism. Country has taken a back seat to groups we all seem to be in and prefer. These groups view issues in one light and make other views wrong, totally wrong. This includes Republicans and Democrats. This includes those elected but more so, those voters who vote solely based on party.
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So, whose at fault? I have no doubt that 0% of you reading this will totally agree with me. Those who vote only Republican or Democrat. Those who vote for anyone they know nothing about. Those who vote based on a single issue. Those who vote and sought no information on a single item on the ballot. Those who believe everything anyone running for office says they stand for. Those who believe a single person is going to get anything done on their own for you. Those who think the swamp has shrunk in any area or way. Finally, those who think they aren’t at fault in any way for the direction this country is headed.
Start expecting more out of those elected, whether or not you voted for them. Mostly, expect more of yourselves, not for yourselves but for country. Remember, this isn’t just your country.